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Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Lotte’s got pretty good business sense to have distributed surveys collecting public opinion on their new pharmacy before it was even asked of her.

“The pharmacy owner is a child.”

I felt that one, lol

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Or how about the fact that people can't read.

Honestly, most reasonable answer on the survey. I love how people are worried about negotiating prices. Like....how is that any different than when buying milk and eggs on the market, or selling Bessie the cow?!

TruthSlayer • 1 year ago

they aren't worried about negotiating prices... if you had actually paid attention they are worried about negotiating prices BECAUSE they are worried he is letting people negotiate prices b/c they are overpriced...i.e. if he is selling a $10 item for $100 and they manage to negotiate it own to $50 its still over priced for them and that's what they are worried about, b/c in their mind they are thinking "why would anyone sell a $10 item for $9 and still allow people to negotiate?"

Montano • 1 year ago

"if you had actually paid attention."

You just had to add some disdain into the reply. Totally uncalled for and mean.

TruthSlayer • 1 year ago

If you had actually read the original comment I was responding to you would know that their comment also had disdain... but I guess your snowflake mind couldn't fathom that every action has equal and opposite reaction... or is that a concept that is too hard for your tiny mind to comprehend?

Montano • 1 year ago

And there we go. No internalization. No understanding or growth. Zero emotional intelligence. Just another vicious reply.

You know, I'm still calling you out on unprovoked attacks on other commentators. Now you're focused on me, so I'm the recipient of your vitriol. Loads of hate in you, bruh. Have a chill pill. We're not your enemies. We're interested in what you are interested.

Give it some thought, okay?

Well F*ck... • 9 months ago

the first line is the truth, the second line is pure savagery in a bad way

Well F*ck... • 9 months ago

but it's the truth

Kirito • 1 year ago

Well this is a good thing because they gonna make their products price high because of this nobles are

Rustin Landis • 1 year ago

Honestly, even in America we have an issue with folks not wanting to go to the doctor or dentist, especially from our rural communities, because they know they'll be losing an arm or leg from the expenses. Even when I went to the family doctor, I never heard what my ailment was but he knew exactly the prescription I should take to get rid of it. Haven't had a family doctor for a decade now since his practice was shut down.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Gosh, I hear that! Our "affordable healthcare" is affordable because once you pay for it, you won't be healthly and you won't care because you'll be 6 feet under from the bill alone! :(

Kirito • 1 year ago

Hospital are expensive and so is the medicine some so yeah cheap good medicine that will help you heal is a good thing also that cheap lotion that will make you white is so brilliant I thought he was just some pharmacist kid

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Those are all valid points, cheap medicine is good medicine as long as it's effective. Additionally your initial observation was correct, he technically is a pharmacist kid.

MarkZ • 1 year ago

Just what you get with corporate socialism.

Kirito • 1 year ago

She seriously put some scratches on her arm to have a white skin she ended up getting a lot of blood lost but she did became white skin though

QuadL • 1 year ago

State Socialism is even worse since it takes the decision to give you healthcare out of yours and your hands and into the hands of some faceless government cog who's one purpose in working is looking good to those over them and clocking in and out daily.

MarkZ • 1 year ago

its all the same shit, you leave something in the hands of the government, and it rots off in a few mere decades, i see no point comparing which variety of shit is less foul when you can just choose to opt out of eating shit all together (ban the government from messing with the economy and ignore the state created bogeyman of monopolies, after all, in the short time there was something resembling a free market in the US, there was only ONE monopoly (Rockefeller), and it wasn't even bad for anyone but the other oil giants of the time, as opposed to the monopolies that appeared after the government took power over business (1890) and currency (1913) with the promise they'll keep the population safe from the oh so evil corporations (which they created more of since than was ever present throughout all of history) evil bankers (that the government now became), and those oh so horrible free market fluctuations (because the government caused defaults and inflation are SO MUCH BETTER!))

Steven Kuhn • 1 year ago

America should really think about adepting the health care system we have in Europe/Germany at this point.

QuadL • 1 year ago

Why? You pay for services you never use in taxes where over 50% of your income is taken away so someone else who doesn't pay into the system will spend your money to get a service they didn't need if they just took better care of themselves... Where is the incentive to G an F and wage work when you can sponge off the system?

Kubey • 1 year ago

The truth is, you will sure need the health care system in your life. It was used for your birth, vaccinations in your childhood and perhaps for your own children, you might fall ill or have an accident during adulthood, and when you are old, well.. many basically live in hospitals.
And honestly, just because someone doesn't find a job because they can't afford education for example, that sure doesn't mean I want to see them dying next to me.

xXPORTALXx • 1 year ago

You also have the fact that someone without health insurance won't be turned away, they just won't receive any preventative care, will develop worse ailments, then will go to the extremely expensive er and the tax payers get charged anyway at a higher rate lol

Kubey • 1 year ago

True, that's another point, prevention does also prevent costly treatments

joshjosh100 • 1 year ago

Literacy is a major problem even today.

It only takes a single generation of no school for Literacy rates to completely drop by 20-40%+

2 Generations, and society becomes primarily illiterate. This was the case for the majority of human history. Only when a society becomes advanced enough, and safe enough does language begin to develop. It took a few hundred thousand years for us to progress past simple pictograms as well.

Majority of the eastern languages still use rudimentary Logographic (basically logos as words, letter, etc), and Syllabic. Japanese uses both. Chinese uses primarily Logosyllabic. Which is very similar to a fusion of both Japanese writing systems.

Traditional Chinese has an EXCESS of 100,000 letters, with unique meaning, use cases, and various other reasons & reasons to not use them... including variants that could be extra to others.. College-educated Chinese speakers generally know about 4,000 of these.

A testament to human ingenuity, intellect, and linguistic capabilities.

How many words do you know? The average person should know roughly 20,000-35,000 words.

joshjosh100 • 1 year ago

English can do this too, and create new meaning from Suffixes, Prefixes, and Roots.

For example:

Ratiardier. A word that doesn't exist, but does now.
Prefix: Rati-onalize (based on or in accordance with reason or logic with an attempt to justify)
Suffix: Bomb-ardier (Some who fires at or on.)
Root: Bomb-ard (To fire at, or on)


Someone who attempts to justify through rationality at a location, or on something.

(Thinking in place, or thinking at someone, in extremely simple terms.)

Captain trips • 1 year ago

You're such a Poindexter. Thanks for this though, honestly

QuadL • 1 year ago

Never heard of it, don't acknowledge it, and it seems rather contrived.

LesK • 1 year ago

go study Latin, the root language of all Romantic languages. English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. joshjosh100 is 100% correct.

joshjosh100 • 1 year ago

English itself, is rather contrived. Nothing wrong with it.

Another factoid, Contrivion (Contrived)

In act of, or in the process of being deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.

Contravion (Contrar-y)

In the act of, or in the process of being opposite of a direction, meaning, or nature.


The big problem of such words is they are hard to use in a sentence.

For example, A "Contravion lifestyle" would be used in a sentence where a "third person: is talking about a person attempting to, or in the act of reversing there current lifestyle. Off the top of my head, I can't construct such a sentence, but I can describe it.

Swiggy • 1 year ago

A bit over a quarter-century ago, I discovered the internet. If you were around back then, you'd understand there was a major difference to what it is today. I saw in it a method that could and would bring literacy to the world, especially with young people. It started out well, the young people got cell phones and started texting. OMG! Yup, instead of spelling words, they dropped to using contractions so they could fit a message into a 10 cent text. Tomorrow became 2morow, Love became <3, and so on.

Today, we have Tik Tok users recording their thoughts with audio and video.

Worse yet, even when we speak, we speak properly, but to write down something we often use the wrong form of a word until someone says, "There, their, they're, Yule understand one day."

Most common misuse is the word "Of." While we SAY, "I would've done . . . " we type "I would of done."

Another 100 years, I see our written language to have evolved as much as it did from early American where things would read like, "In Cogrefs on this day. . ."

WM • 1 year ago

Contractions and improper word use can be considered literacy. It would just be an illiteracy to a large portion of the population.

In another 100 years, I wonder if we will have a written language. . . Why write when we can just record everything. Large chance we will be communicating with pictures again (projections!). Joking of course but I do believe the comprehension of words being the subject that evolves most. A subject overlooked that has massively changed from 100 years ago.

Thus why I appreciated joshjosh's use of the word know 20,000-35,000 words. :P

Kubey • 1 year ago

Actually, I really would not be surprised if someone came around with the idea to just use pictures in written communication. In a way, due to the amount of knowledge we want children to have, they just don't get the time to learn reading and writing properly anymore, or even basic math. When I try to calculate something in my head, by the time I am finished my mom has finished 10 times. And I am considered university material while she is being considered lowly educated. I know a bunch of other stuff or at least have heard of them in a variety of subjects, yes, but in terms of the very basics, they sure have been neglected.

joshjosh100 • 1 year ago

Modern Day, I rarely write by hand. I type mostly, and sign initials and use numbers.

Analytic Ability, and Knowledge base both contribute to intelligence. Analytical abilities are most genetic, and you can train it a bit.

Knowledge can only be trained for the most part. A instinct feeling, or a hunch, or even curiosity to learn something, would be your genetic predisposition for knowing something.

Tiger Entp • 1 year ago

I agree, the basics are neglected.
When i was in grade school [30 yrs ago, WOW i'm old] learning basic math, my elementary school had regular competitions for who could answer 50 questions in a very short period of time, and get the most right.
I was in the top 10 of about 3-4,000 students in my grade level, but 2 other students in my class always traded 1st or 2nd place with each other [missing either none, or 1-2 problems]
I think it was 1 min, but it's been a long time, so i'm not sure.
But you best believe that friendly competition for a single blue ribbon made everyone in that school faster and better at basic math.

To make a short story long; i agree that basics have been neglected, and it's really not hard at all to change that, but priorities have not been on improving children's knowledge/skills in schools for some time, now. You hate to see it.

joshjosh100 • 1 year ago

Exactly, Literacy is purely the ability to read language. It's a spectrum, and low literacy is different from a weak literate ability.

Every country, but maybe really small ones like the Vatican have a miniscule literate ability. Contractions, are shortened words. As well improper word use isn't illiteracy.

It's just low literate ability. Even Masters tier graduates end up not being up to snuff, in recent years, but comparatively they are better than the average.

The bare minimum is needed to pass low level college courses, and most 4 year graduates are about the same as a high school graduate in terms of ability.


The known words also range with: The, A, And, various contractions, etc. You know a lot of stuff remembering it off the top of your head is something else entirely lmao.

Sprayquaza • 1 year ago

And the reprimanded for non nobel etiquete is also a fair point , just look at honzuki's nobel system , you'd know that the divide is pretty big.

Is it canon? • 9 months ago

People on twitter still can't read.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

The fact that she got so many really shows her own social confidence since she'd be interacting with so many adults herself.

zo • 1 year ago

An introvert like me could never lol

vovan1 • 1 year ago

me too, i hate being center of attention, even if my job forces me to

Kirito • 1 year ago

Same I don't like standing out and being the center of attention but I keep standing out for some reason because idk I tried to keep a low profile but it never works

vovan1 • 1 year ago

I almost felt sympathy, but when i noticed Kirito as your profile name xD

N99dels • 1 year ago

One that i never can achieve

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

I love Lotte's character. She's more than a poster girl and can be useful for moving the plots forward. And her positive attitude always brings me smile.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Lotte = Kokoro from bang dream. Can't help but smile

Vince :D • 1 year ago

Samee! Lotte was the MVP!
The surveys were very proactive of her, and i'm sure she'll have a chance to show off her excellent customer service!
but that all stems from her full trust in the MC's medical skills! 💪

zo • 1 year ago

Falma built different. What did I do when I was a child? hmmm watching cartoons and animes, oh wait, I'm still doing that now T_T

dra6o0n • 1 year ago

If you have a ton of knowledge and experience, and have a fresh start, you'd be WAY WAY WAY more in a advantage compared to all your peers at similar age.
You'd Ace elementary to high school, and do very well in post-secondary.
Or skip school altogether by starting a company if you have sufficient knowledge and experience.

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

knowledge and experience are nothing without funds

QuadL • 1 year ago

Consider this. Sure, he has advanced knowledge in pharmaceuticals, treatments and diagnoses of illnesses but he also knows basics about flight, cars, engines, brewing and distilleries, weapons and educational systems... just to name a few things just by having lived in the modern world he came from. He could rewrite their entire world system if he can gain the trust of those in power.

Angry neko-chan • 1 year ago

he is basically an adult in the body of a child.